And since I am doing some rambling, here are some of my thoughts on politics at the moment....
Laws I Want to See Passed that Could Gain My Undying Vote for Their Champions
- No unsolicited phone calls. At all. Ever. I pay for the privilege of phone service.....why should anyone else be able to call me on them without my permission? People are allowed to call me at any time, regardless of whether it is convenient for me to answer, regardless of what is going on in my life. It just has to be convenient with them. Is that fair? I don't care if I have done business with them in the past. I don't care if they are a charity. I don't care if I am a distinguished alumni of their institution. I don't care if I once had a magazine or newspaper subscription with them. And I especially don't care if you are running for public office. If I am paying for the service, I should get to say who is allowed to call me. And I shouldn't have to opt out....the standard should be no unsolicited calls, and we should opt in if we want them to call us. Maybe have it on the same level as a Facebook friend request. I think that would make life much nicer for telemarketers, too, since they would not be met with the wrath of people like me. So I am not being entirely selfish here.
- No littering on my property. That means Dominos and those stupid plastic cups. That means the phone book people. That means flyers left on my door. It's annoying that I have to clean them up. And it's annoying for them to advertise to criminals when I am not at home.
- No door to door solicitation. Once again, not for selling me things, collecting for charities, inviting me to events....I don't care. When you are a single female living alone, it's just creepy when a stranger comes to call. Or even someone you only know slightly. Let my home be my sanctuary.
- No use of tax dollars to get things done when they can get volunteers to do the same work. Whatever happened to community spirit? Tell me we're having a paint party at North Iredell High School (my alma mater)......I'll do my best to be there. (And I will encourage the painters that show up and do things like clean walls and paint brushes, since I am the world's worst painter and it is for the sake of all that I will not actually paint.) Students and their parents should be there working together to make it a nice environment. It should be fun. A place it is a privilege to be. All over town we have so many amazing craftsmen and tradesmen who I believe would be willing to meet some of the needs of our county and city and save us all tax dollars in the bargain. In return we could spread the word that they did it....and maybe help their business as we or our friends hire people for different things. We have retirees who retired too young and have time on their hands they may be willing to donate to a good cause. I'm just saying that before we spend money, we look for alternate ways to provide the service. They say Americans are lazy and won't take the time to show up to do some of these things.... and I am not saying that there is not a bit of validity to that statement. But are we selling ourselves short? Why can't we change the idea of what it means to be an American? I look at our mayor, Costi Kutteh. That man shows up. Not because he is mayor....he was doing it before that and does it whether anyone else is around to notice. I am confident he will die volunteering. We need more people like him. Let's spread a little of that spirit around. And let's vote for people who are out and around and making the community a better place before they run for political office.
As you run for office, be a grownup. If you can't say something nice about your opponent, don't make a personal attack in a commercial or at a forum. Not that some of the dirty dogs that run don't deserve some of that to be public knowledge, but it's best for you not to be the one to reveal. You belittle yourself when you do. But tell us about yourself and why we should vote for you. Or have others who are willing to speak up for you. And if you are running for office, it seems like maybe it would be good if you had actually attended a meeting of the group you are about to join. Before you put your ring in the hat. There are some people who run year after year and I have never seen them at a meeting when they are not running for office. That speaks to me. Unfortunately a lot of you citizens are not attending these meetings either, so you have not noticed. But drop in from time to time. You'll learn a lot. And sometimes get disillusioned. And bored. Seems to me way too much discussion goes on behind closed doors....because it doesn't always seem to make it to the floor during commissioners and city council meetings. I don't think that is how it is supposed to be. God bless those who open their mouths and share their opinions. May get them in trouble with some voters, but I appreciate them for doing what we voted them in to do. I love those who don't run only to prove they can win an election....but instead serve because they want to represent their neighbors and make our community better. And they try to know their neighbors and the people they represent.... and don't just assume their opinion speaks for all. Sometimes they actually speak for others and leave their own opinions at home. That is a public servant.
How I Will Vote
I love that our country is a democracy. I am proud of that. I believe God has given us the freedom of choice and I respect that He knew what He was doing when He did that. I like when our government attempts to do the same thing. I believe that each adult citizen comes before the government as an individual, and rights should be granted to each equally. I will try to vote for that. I am a Christian and certainly that influences how I vote. I trust that if I try to look into the face of God as I vote, that my vote will be right and significant.
I'm still trying to figure out who I will be voting for in this election. I will take a little time with my decision to consider everything I can. I generally do not vote for all members of one political party and may even vote for someone who has opinions different from me....if I think those opinions represent a group that needs to be heard. I try to always vote for a person that I believe loves our community and its people. But like a lot of elections lately, I am going to be voting mostly on hearsay and speculation, on carefully crafted speeches and well done internet sites. And that discourages me about myself. I want to know some of these candidates better. When they are not running. And feel confident when I vote that they will represent the principles I personally believe in. What I read in newspapers, that which I can find on the internet, all is written with bias. Even those who attempt to write without bias, cannot escape their own upbringing and experience. So while my voting may not live up to my own ideals for myself, I will still make a good attempt. And hope that next time, I will feel more prepared.
And by the way, those of you who don't're not just laying down your right to criticize in the future. You are weakening our democracy. Do a bit of the work that is the privilege we have as citizens of this country, pay attention to the issues and vote. Let me know if you need me to show you how to get a sample ballot online so you can get started!
My reasons for voting for or against things always seem a bit different than those of my friends. I may vote for the same thing as you, but for entirely different reasons. And I like that. It brings life to a democracy. But as I hear people talk, it is just one more thing that makes me remember that I just may be a bit unusual! My ballot probably won't look like yours. But that is OK and good. In the box, but out of the box. Again!
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