
Monday, February 23, 2015

I Love.......My New Gloves

I love MY NEW GLOVES! My friend Nicki, knowing... well....that I am really about age six at heart, recently sent me a link for gloves that glow in the dark. They are black with white tips at the fingers, and there are LED lights that light those fingers up. I KNOW! Absolutely fabulous. I had to order them. I wondered whether they would work. Thought I may be disappointed in them. But hey....why not give it a try? If it was a total fail, then lesson learned. But I got them today and they are really great.

Not only do they light up, but there are different modes, so you can flash all of the colors quickly, or they can fade from one color to the next, or they can flash each color separately. Finally I get to use Christmas lights even when it is not Christmas. And the gloves are soft and warm besides!

I love things that glow in the dark. I love things that light up. I think LED lights are absolutely amazing.
So OK...probably these gloves weren't marketed for women in their 50s. Thankfully I have never lived my life always doing the traditional thing, or possibly I would be shocking people when I broke them out. Not one person I know will probably be surprised if I wear them. And we know I am not known for my fashion sense.

We baby boomers have gotten to stretch the age thing a bit. We don't much care what we are supposed to do "at our age". Proper doesn't hold a lot of significance for us. At least in the circles I hang out in. If you hang out in other circles, I say "Ditch 'em!"...because do you really want to hang out with people who would prefer you be somber to sunny?

We should live lives of fun....and not be afraid to enjoy the silly things that capture our attention. Our ideas don't have to match those of others....nor do they have to be age appropriate. In fact, I think if you are in a situation where you are living your life a bit too "appropriately", you need to reconsider whether you are really living it well. I don't know about you, but a bunch of boringly appropriate people are not going to dictate much of anything in my life. (Though I will pay my taxes....and obey the laws passed.)

Our life should be full of joy and carry a certain amount of silliness. I am serious about some things...too serious at times, I think. Therefore it is good to be encouraged to have fun and play. Friends like Nicki are usually good for making sure that happens.

So...I love my new gloves and I am sure I will enjoy wearing them. I am sure they will not be the only glow article that you see me with. Go on....add a bit of color to your life. Find something that brightens your spirit and go for it. Let's exhale a bit and belly laugh, instead of holding our breath until we turn blue.

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